Cole YMCA Preschool - Albion

202 Cougar Ct., Albion, IN  46701

Program Type: Full time child care and Preschool; Accept summer school-aged children and around-the-year care sibling care for school breaks/eLearning. 

Program Regulation: N/A

2 Day – Tuesday/Thursday
3 Day – Monday/Wednesday/Friday
5 Day – Monday – Friday

Accepts CCDF?: No

Accepts On My Way Pre-K?: No

Paths to Quality Level: N/A

Daily Schedule: After children arrive they begin morning work. Then they have community time followed by choice work time.

Program Philosophy: We believe that all kids deserve the opportunity to discover who they are and what they can achieve.

Curriculum Type: Our curriculum is based upon educational principles and the developmental needs of children. Incorporate Choice. Providing age-appropriate choice meets the developmental needs of children and foster your child’s sense of responsibility and independence. Respect Order, ritual and routine. Maintaining order, creating special moments during the day and providing routine in the classroom promotes learning, removes distractions and helps build concentration which allows children to learn. Additionally, when children help to maintain order, take part in special moments with their peers and follow classroom routines, children learn to be part of a community and see how their actions impact others. Present Variety. Students need more than one way to learn and practice skills. We provided children with many ways to discover, explore and use their developing skills. Promote Meaningful movement. Connecting movement to learning enhances the ability to learn math and language skills. Make Learning its own reward. Children have an innate desire for learning. When children are allowed to feel good about their own learning without outside incentives, learning is more meaningful. Move from Simple to Complex. When we begin by introducing simple concepts and add more detail and complexity over time, students maintain their motivation to learn more and are able process higher-level ideas. Ensure better Outcomes. When a teacher does not provide enough information or support for a child, the child does not know what to do. Conversely, when a teacher provides a child with too much information they pass on their own learning and stifle the child’s learning. 

Student/Teacher Ratios: We meet state standards.

Number of employees (including teachers and support staff): 3

Parents Provide: N/A

Meals Provided: A small snack is provided each day. Parents provide options based on a rotating schedule.

Tell us about your program: The preschool is a multiage classroom that allows children to become independent learners. Focusing on child development principles we plan for each child to meet their specific needs.

Special Program Features: bloom!

For more information, contact Lisa Walter.
Phone: 260-347-9622